Deep Cleaning Instructions


How long will I be numb?

Your lips, teeth, cheek and/or tongue may be numb for several hours after the procedure. To avoid injury, you should avoid any chewing and hot beverages until numbness has completely worn off. It is very easy to bite or burn your tongue, cheek or lip while you are numb.

Is it normal for my gums or jaw to be sore?

Irritation to the gum tissue can occur from dental work. Rinsing your mouth 2-3 times per day with ½ tsp of warm salt water can help to alleviate discomfort. Injection sites can be sore for several days after your appointment. Over-the-counter pain medications work well to alleviate tenderness.

Is it normal for my gums to bleed when I brush & floss?

You may encounter some bleeding while brushing and flossing. It is important to continue gentle brushing with a soft toothbrush & flossing even if bleeding occurs. As healing progresses, the bleeding will gradually reduce or disappear.

Why do I now have spaces between my teeth?

After removal of plaque and tartar buildup, it is common to have spaces between your teeth and gum tissue. Some spaces may appear as “black triangles” near gum area, whereas other spaces may separate the teeth. Flossing and brushing regularly will keep the spaces from building up with plaque and tartar.

Is it normal for my teeth to be sensitive?

Normal healing are results of some tissue tightening and shrinkage, which may expose more tooth structure leading to sensitivity to cold, hot or sweets. This is a common side effect and usually diminishes with time.

When do I come back after my “Deep Cleaning”?

Normally, six weeks after your “Deep Cleaning”, you will be asked to come back to the office for re-evaluation of the pockets around your tooth. At this time, we will recommend the time frame of your subsequent periodontal cleanings, called periodontal maintenance or supportive periodontal therapy. These cleanings usually are performed 3-4 times per year and are important to prevent any new infection and/or possible bone loss.


If you have any issues or concerns, please contact our office.